Tread Lightly: Restoration For Recreation

Tread Lightly! is a national nonprofit organization with a mission to promote responsible outdoor recreation through ethics education and stewardship. As overlanders and outdoor enthusiasts, we rely heavily on access to public lands and trails. Because of that, we believe in the movement to promote responsible stewardship of the wild places we all share.
Out of our appreciation for Tread Lightly!'s work we are dedicating a portion of the proceeds of our recent Apocalypse 2020 t-shirt campaign to support their trail restoration program Restoration For Recreation.
Restoration for Recreation began around 1997. Since then, Tread Lightly! and its partners from both the private and public sectors, along with the sweat of volunteers have been building bridges, improving maps and signage, and restoring damaged areas and degraded trails.
Despite the pandemic, so far in 2020 there have been ongoing stewardship efforts because of this program - including:
- 9 Stewardship projects
- 263 Volunteers participated (as of 9/2/20)
- 54 Miles of off-road trails enhanced
- 2,104 Volunteer hours
- $57,228.88 value of volunteer time
- 23,150 pounds of trash removed from public lands
Want to learn more about Restoration For Recreation and get involved? Check out the Tread Lightly! website and find out about any volunteer opportunities near you.