Total Blackout Seat Back Panel (Pre-Order Ends 4/19)

We continue to add new products to our signature Triple Run product line ('our strongest stuff yet!'). And this time we are breaking the mold. While our classic Seat Back Panel comes in all black, our Triple Run Seat Back Panel comes standard as multi-tone with hi-vis orange. But for a limited time we are going dark...real dark.
Ten out of ten actual ninjas prefer black, Batman likes his coffee black, and while everyone is dyeing their hair bright colors, the broody goth kids dye theirs black (aren't they the real punk rockers?). Black is the color of Darth Vader's soul, it is the color of a celestial eclipse, and it is also the color of our new limited pre-order TOTAL BLACKOUT Triple Run Seat Back Panels.
If you are a ninja, a Batman enthusiast, a goth rocker, or maybe you secretly wish you were Darth Vader, this Seat Back Panel is for you. It's not just a little black, it's a TOTAL BLACKOUT (cue incessant echo).
Pre-order yours before 4/19 (ships around 5/3/22). Don't miss this limited run!