These Socks Will Knock Your Socks Off! | DeFeet Collab!

We love recommending our favorite outdoor gear - especially from companies that share our same handcrafted and American made ethos. We also value companies that are tenacious and pioneering in their unique niche. DeFeet sock company fits all those criteria and more.
A leader in high-performance, durable socks, DeFeet has been a groundbreaking presence in the cycling world. In the early 90's, when it was common for cycling socks to be single use (and boring white!), DeFeet entered the space with a new vision and the rest is history.
Today, we are pleased to collaborate with DeFeet on a BROG exclusive. Not just for cycling any more, DeFeet has perfected the art of sock making in their North Carolina 'Microsockery' - constructing a better sock with USA sourced Merino Wool, and other quality materials.
If you are looking for a sock that can handle your outdoor lifestyle, the new BROG branded socks from DeFeet will...well, knock your socks off! Great for riding, running, and general outdoor activities, these will be your new favorite footwear. Not only are they durable, but they will provide three season comfort.
Learn more about DeFeet here and get your hands on the new exclusive BROG socks!