Stop the Bleed: Trauma Response Workshop (March 20)

Stop the Bleed training is basic hands-on instruction in bleeding control that has been proven to save lives. Stop the bleed curriculum was created by trauma surgeons and experts in public safety to teach students to help increase the rate of survival of people with severe bleeding, whether it be from unexpected violence or injuries in our daily lives.
Join John Fury of Fury Training Concepts for this important workshop to equip you with basic skills for life saving trauma response.
WHEN: Saturday, March 20, 2021 / 10 am (workshop will last 2 to 3 hours)
WHERE: Blue Ridge Overland Gear (2687 Rocky Ford Rd, Bedford VA 24523)
WHO: 10 vehicle limit.
PRICE: Free, but only those who RSVP can attend. Please RSVP below.
DETAILS: Please bring your own lunch. This event will be an outdoor workshop.
Also, please note: this workshop is not suitable for children or people with a sensitivity to trauma simulations.
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