Limited Run: Tool Bag in Grey (Jan 31 - Feb 7)

As a small American manufacturer, supply chain logistics are a constant juggling act (even just within the U.S.A.). The recent pandemic made those logistics even more unpredictable. We ordered grey colored Cordura fabric back in July of 2021. We are just now getting that fabric into our production shop.
We have one large roll of grey Cordura fabric to work with, so for the next few weeks we are burning through it with a handful of limited production runs. Once we use up this roll we're not sure when we'll be able to restock - so now is the time to go grey!
Our first limited run of grey will be our classic Tool Bag. This limited color run will last from January 31 to February 7. Get your pre-order in and these Tool Bags will start shipping February 22.
If you are not familiar with our classic Tool Bag, this is our most popular product, used by overlanders and off-road enthusiasts to create a compact tool kit for the trail. Our customers are always surprised how much the Tool Bag can hold. It also saves space in your rig, prevents your tools from rattling, and keeps it all organized. The best part is the removable pouches that enable you to take just what you need for any on-trail repairs - without having to bring all your tools.
Get your pre-order in now (only 40 will be sold) and don't miss your chance to go grey!