SWH T-shirt Pre-orders (Order By 11/30)

Sasquatch the Squirrel is the official Blue Ridge Overland Gear mascot. But this isn't just any squirrel. Raised by a family of Bigfoot, he loves exploring, overlanding, and discovering the wonders of the great outdoors.
Get your 'Sasquatch Was Here!' T-shirts (kids and adult sizes) and help our favorite adventurous squirrel visit all 50 U.S. States in 2021.
Take Sasquatch with you on your family overlanding travels - tag us on Instagram with #sasquatchwashere and let us know what you love about where you visited. We will feature your Instagram post on our website, put a golden acorn on Sasquatch's U.S. Map, and you could even be featured on our new 'Sasquatch Was Here!' segment on our weekly Bonfire show.
The 'Sasquatch Was Here!' 2021 Family Challenge is designed to encourage families to go exploring together.
Pre-order before 11/30/20 (10:00am) to get in time for Christmas.