Coming Soon: Apocalypse 2020 Morale Patch

2020 has been a year of dramatic turmoil. With a global pandemic, a toilet paper famine, murder hornets, double hurricanes, civil unrest, an explosive presidential election, society seems pushed to the brink. But you are a resilient soul and you know the best place to ride out the chaos of Apocalypse 2020 - in the outdoors!
If you find solace in overlanding, camping, and the outdoor lifestyle, you know that embracing adventure is the only way to truly survive.
Though this has been a seriously trying year (and it's not even over!) we are commemorating your self-reliant and adventurous spirit with a limited edition morale patch that you can pass on with honor to future generations who will ask how you made it through the great upheaval of 2020.
More details in the coming weeks! And there may even be a related t-shirt in the works ;)