BROG Recap
2024 was a busy year here at Blue Ridge Overland Gear. We released new products, produced exclusive video content, and hosted events for outdoor lovers, overlanders, and anyone looking to improve the way they camp, travel, and live. Checkout these highlights and watch for more new releases in 2025.

Top Product Releases in 2024

Top Video Releases In 2024
'97 LX 450 Walkaround
We caught up with Ethan, from Asheville Vehicle Outfitters, for a rig walkaround of his 1997 Lexus LX 450. Ethan explains how he rebuilt this barely running Land Cruiser into what it is today. It also has a few surprises - with a digital dash, engine swap, and more.
Atlas Truck Topper Walkaround
Chad Lauderbaugh, with First State Overland, recently showed us around his AT Overland Equipment, Atlas™ truck topper on his F350. Chad walks us through the main features of the Atlas and some of his favorite highlights.
Overhoming Collection
For April Fool's Day this year we expanded into the home organization market with some innovative new products - or maybe just some repurposed ones ;)
We Visit Arctic Trucks In Norway
Some of the Blue Ridge Overland Gear crew went out to Norway this year and while there visited one of our custom sew customers: Arctic Trucks. Don't miss this shop tour!
How To Setup A Simple Fly Fishing Kit
Back in May we put together a short video and quick little step-by-step recommendations to help you create your perfect kit for fly fishing "on the fly" featuring our Bum Bag XL ;)
5 Items You May Be Forgetting In Your First-Aid Kit
In the Summer our friend Rodney Dewson of Overland Medic came by the shop and unpacked 5 items that he sees people leave out of their First Aid Kit at all the time. If you enjoy pursuing outdoor adventure, you will want to make sure to remember these 5 basics that you may be forgetting.
Truck EDC
In this video we walk through a basic EDC loadout for your truck as every day driver and adventure rig, and how to wrangle the chaos with some simple, modular organizing solutions. From electronics to first aid, and more, don't miss these tips and tricks for keeping it all in order.
Truck Organization
If you struggle with gear chaos in your truck check out Matt's process going from cluttered mess to clean and adventure ready with a handful of purpose built vehicle organizers.
Tacoma Camper
Don't miss this overland vehicle walkaround video for inspiration on what essential gear to carry and how to keep it all organized for a family of four.
Starlink Mini Storage
Our Clear Packing Cube is the perfect way to protect, organize, and store your Starlink Mini with it's accessories in your off-road vehicle when you are traveling. Don't miss this quick video to see how the Clear Packing Cube fits the Starlink Mini kit like a glove.
Jeep Gladiator Walkaround
If you're searching for inspiration to perfect your own family focused setup or simply want to see how to elevate your adventure game, look no further. Josh of Gobi Recon has meticulously customized every part of this rig to ensure it’s both capable and comfortable.
Halfstrovan Trailer Walkaround
What do you do when you want an off-road camper trailer for family camping adventures - but you don't want to spend a bazillion dollars? Chad found a classic Astro Van, cut in half, for sale - and he knew he'd found a solid starting point.
Grenadier Walkaround
Our friend Jim of Where 2 Next Adventures stopped by the shop to show us his 2024 INEOS Grenadier and his initial off-road upgrades, personalized features, and more. Don't miss this video walkaround of an iconic off-road vehicle!
Blacksmith / Overlander
In this video Matt Sieber shares about the importance of keeping all his gear in order while working on the road as a blacksmith, why he uses Blue Ridge Overland Gear products, and what happens when you drive over one of our Tool Bags with your Jeep!
Beach Camping Tips
Our friends from Gobi Recon Overlanding are pros when it comes to off-road family camping on the beach. Check out this video where they highlight 5 top tips you need to know before you go on your first off-road beach camping trip.

Events we hosted
Roof Top Tent Rally (8th Annual)
Hosted by Blue Ridge Overland Gear and our friends at the James River State Park in Gladstone, Virginia, the Roof Top Tent Rally has been an annual tradition for almost a decade. This is a great event for overlanding families to meet and enjoy the Fall outdoors.
Outdoor Adventure Rendezvous
For almost a decade we've hosted the annual Overlander Flea Market each year. This year we expanded the flea market into a new event: the Outdoor Adventure Rendezvous!

Top Articles
Using 'Mise-En-Place' Principles To Organize Your Overlanding Gear
We're borrowing a phrase from the world of the culinary arts. It's a french phrase: 'Mise-en-place' ("meez ah plos" or "mi zɑ̃ ˈplas"), which means 'to put in place'. But this personal organization system isn't just for high end chefs. Here are a few MEP principles to get us going.
Everyday Carry Basics: What Is the Most Essential EDC Gear?
Not everyone needs a backpack full of gear or five ways to cut, pry, or tighten a screw at all times. However everyone can find that balance between under-prepared and over-burdened. Here are five kinds of EDC gear that are important for a fully equipped everyday carry kit.

How To Survive A Bear Attack In the Wild (Satire)
Your mind begins to spin. You remember a recent social media post about a bear attack in the area. You briefly consider how quickly you can jump in the Cruiser, lock all the doors, and pull a tarp over your head. Then you remember ... you're a man; a road warrior, a trailblazer. You straighten up, clear your throat, and try to look menacing.

Our Favorite American Made Brands
In this episode of the Overland Bonfire podcast we discuss our favorite brands that are keeping the American Made manufacturing legacy alive. From knives, boots, socks, apparel, and guitars to outdoor gear and more, don't miss this super list of the best American Made companies who have our attention.
Drawer System of Your Dreams: Feat. Chad Love
In this episode of the Overland Bonfire Podcast we talk with Chad Love from We discuss how he started his business, tips for DIY vehicle drawer system builds, what the real motivation is behind keeping camping gear super organized, and how vehicle / gear mods are central to what makes overlanding appealing.
Overlanding with your dog
Looking for tips on how to travel with your dog? This episode of The Overland Bonfire Podcast is for you. We have Matt Wilson from Ray Allen Manufacturing joining us in the studio. We’ll cover topics such as crating dogs on the road, the importance of dog first-aid, and training for emergencies in advance.